Hello and welcome to my blog, I am Rebecca a mother of two wonderful boys, this blog is my space to share activities and ideas of fun things we get up to.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Thank you!

A big thank you goes out to Deborah from The Fairfield House, I was the lucky winner of the post card exchange and received this wonderful New Jersey themed gift box full of goodies. I love all the different items included in this box. The whole family has really enjoyed trying the salt water taffy, yum yum :)

Thank you Deborah for letting me take part in the exchange.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Searching the beach.

Today we stopped at the beach on the way to a Craft fair to search the beach for some treasure this is what we found, some lovely sea glass, drift wood and a heart shaped stone. Matthews behaviour has really improved over the last few days with a star chat in place and he really enjoyed doing this activity. Defiantly going to become a tradition for our collection :)

Treat Tuesday

For the past few weeks we have been very busy trying to find ways to keep Matthew happy and good, he has been some what trying to say the least, we have implemented some new routines and one will include treat Tuesday where Matthew and the rest of the family will get a treat for good behaviour, good for the diet too as this will be a day for us to have something nice and to look forward too :)

Saturday, 4 June 2011

What do you do on the sunniest day of the year?

We had the most beautiful day yesterday so far of this year so as to not waste it we headed to the beach, there was a gentle wind but we backed up against the sea wall and sat under an umbrella and enjoyed a picnic.

A walk with Nanny to paddle in the sea

The best way to finish of a day when everyone is hot have a water fight :)