Hello and welcome to my blog, I am Rebecca a mother of two wonderful boys, this blog is my space to share activities and ideas of fun things we get up to.

Monday, 17 October 2011


I love Halloween and so do my boys, it has been a long time since I have been able to craft anything, trying to decorate the house and renovate some furniture it still hasn't all been done but with a new Hobby Craft store now open I couldn't wait to craft any longer, I organised my bureau (Still to painted but now a space of my own) and bought some Halloween goodies for the boys craft time and some wreath rings and got stuck in, oh what fun!

Here is said bureau I will eventually sand it down and paint it to fit in with the living room theme and fix the bar that should sit just behind the bottom doors, but I am so happy to finally have a little space to craft and this thing holds a lot and with a lock it's child friendly so added bonus :)

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Muffin tin meals.

I saw the idea for this when I was looking at cupcakes on pinterest, and like the handy size and fun aspect of this for the boys, we have only tried out breakfast so far but the possibilities are endless here is what we have tried.

Jam on toast, Probiotic yogurt drink, Kiwi (each tried a little peace), cheese, chocolate spread on toast and Cheerios.

Apricots, Bananas, Apple, coco cereal, cheese, Cheerios and a glass of milk with a strawberry straw :)

Here a the boys enjoying there breakfast, I love the way that the portion sizes are so great and being able to put different tastes in each section, only one rule something must be tasted from each section but not forced to eat it all. Who new? Aidan loves Apricots :)
I can't wait to try out lunch get stuck into the dreaded veggies.

Monday, 5 September 2011

My Favourite Boys

I haven't posted in a while I have been way to busy having lots of fun over the summer with my 2 favourite boys

Eating cake is also lots of Fun!

The Summer passed by way too quickly and Matthew has already been back at school for 2 weeks, Aidan and I miss him in the days but it's good to have our own time.

I am now busy decorating the house and getting lots of things finished so soon there will be a lot more blogging about my home :)

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Using a good Camera :)

I have a basic digital camera it was bought about 5 years ago and has treated me well but I really would like to upgrade to something with more features and better picture quality to really capture those special moments a friend of mine recently bought a new camera, she is into crafts like me and a great photographer you can see her blog here.

This is a pictures of Aidan and I taken at her home she even let me have a go on the camera, I need a new camera ;) hint hint hubby, if your reading.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Summer slow down

Please!!!! We have had such a great summer this year even though the weather has mainly been wet, we got away as a family for a week in Glasgow and have spent our days full of activities. Botanical Garden.

Science Center

Open top bus tour

Trips to new parks

All this has equaled to a wonderful fun filled Summer I just wish it would slow down a little only 2 more weeks and my wee boy will be back at school.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Sunny and Rainy Day in One.

A beautiful stretch of beach with no one else in sight, shame water was so so cold I wanted to jump in, Asked Aidan to sit down he plonked himself down right on the M...

Mummy Loves Aidan

Dancing in the Rain :)

Painting in the Rain :)

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Thank you!

A big thank you goes out to Deborah from The Fairfield House, I was the lucky winner of the post card exchange and received this wonderful New Jersey themed gift box full of goodies. I love all the different items included in this box. The whole family has really enjoyed trying the salt water taffy, yum yum :)

Thank you Deborah for letting me take part in the exchange.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Searching the beach.

Today we stopped at the beach on the way to a Craft fair to search the beach for some treasure this is what we found, some lovely sea glass, drift wood and a heart shaped stone. Matthews behaviour has really improved over the last few days with a star chat in place and he really enjoyed doing this activity. Defiantly going to become a tradition for our collection :)

Treat Tuesday

For the past few weeks we have been very busy trying to find ways to keep Matthew happy and good, he has been some what trying to say the least, we have implemented some new routines and one will include treat Tuesday where Matthew and the rest of the family will get a treat for good behaviour, good for the diet too as this will be a day for us to have something nice and to look forward too :)

Saturday, 4 June 2011

What do you do on the sunniest day of the year?

We had the most beautiful day yesterday so far of this year so as to not waste it we headed to the beach, there was a gentle wind but we backed up against the sea wall and sat under an umbrella and enjoyed a picnic.

A walk with Nanny to paddle in the sea

The best way to finish of a day when everyone is hot have a water fight :)

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Dress a girl around the world!

Making a pillow case into a dress for a little girl around the world..

A simple pillow case transformed into...

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Matthew's Room

Our home is still very much a work in progress with still much decorating and transformation to take place in many rooms, I have been working on trying to finish Matthew's room with adding some handmade art work here and there, I would like to add a desk somewhere maybe at the bottom of the bed and then it will be finally complete.

Here is Matthew's bunk bed a bargain for £50 found at the recycling centre I spent a day sanding it and coating in teak oil, and building it up. I only needed one new mattress as we all ready had one.

This monogram button M was such fun to make and use up some of my masses of buttons, also made an A for when I decorate Aidan's room.

Scrapbook paper Art.

Sweet toys loved by my boy,

Old and new love them all :)

Lots of books for a wee bookworm