Hello and welcome to my blog, I am Rebecca a mother of two wonderful boys, this blog is my space to share activities and ideas of fun things we get up to.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Dress a girl around the world!

Making a pillow case into a dress for a little girl around the world..

A simple pillow case transformed into...


  1. What a beautiful dress! Thanks so much for your email. I would love you to get involved. Your dress is gorgeous!! I will email you now with my address. Thanks again. Louise x

  2. This looks wonderful! Awesome job!
    We received our postcards in the mail and loved them. and the stickers are to die for. Megan wanted me to take them off so she could use them but I said "no way!" Brilliant idea having Matthew write his own....why didn't I think of that? Very smart. I hope ours made it and if they didn't please tell me.

  3. What a beautiful dress for a wonderful cause. Thank you for sharing the link.

    Stop by my blog: http://fairfieldhousenj.com/2011/06/02/the-2011-fairfield-house-postcard-exchange-finale/

    Your Friend,

  4. Your dresses arrived today and are beautiful! Thanks so much. Much appreciated!! I am going to blog about them in a minute! Thanks again. Louise x
