Hello and welcome to my blog, I am Rebecca a mother of two wonderful boys, this blog is my space to share activities and ideas of fun things we get up to.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

PinAddicts challenge number 3!

Linking over at Sew Scrumptious for challenge number 3!

This month has been a hectic flurry of painting and decorating as we switched bedrooms around and working on an up and coming craft fair I haven't had much time for personal crafting, however browsing through my pinterest board I found this easy idea to use up some hamma beads :)

This site has a wonderful tutorial of how she made these bowls :) Here is my effort.

Gather together all things needed, ceramic bowls, beads and oil, the oil is used to lightly coat the inside of the bowls it helps the beads stick and also helps for them to slide out after melting and cooling.

For quickness I just used a mixture of colours for this project to find out if it would work, it would be nice to use certain colours or to even make patterns if you have the time :)

Dodgy oven picture, I didn't really know how long to leave them in for or at what temperature I went for 180, and 5-7 mins seems to worked I sat and watched the whole time just in case of something un-wanted happening :)

Here they are I love how simple this project is and how cute they turned out, I think this would be a fun project for older children to do that are able to use the oven and use there hamma beads for a different project.


  1. I used to have loads of those beads as a kid, might have to see if they are still stashed somewhere at my parents house. What a great idea, great for those odd bits and bobs that never have a proper place too.

  2. They look really fab. My girl would love them! Is that a big tub of Ikea beads? Nice to see these things work well, I would probably mess it up somehow!
    Thanks for joining us again x x

  3. I LOVE this! It looks great. Never seen that before. What a great idea. Thanks for linking up. x

  4. that's great - kids are going to love having a go at this. thank you. cath

  5. Thank you for all kind comments I will be doing this again as it really was so simple, Massive tub of beads from Ikea still looks full haha! Word of warning with one layer of beads they are fragile bowls, not to be put in the hands of a 3 years old :( The round bowl has a thicker base where I added an extra layer of beads and is much more firm. :)

  6. What a lovely idea! We don't have those beads yet although I can't wait until the little ones are old enough to have a go with them. I wondered what you did with all the beads that are left over in the unpopular colours, and now I know what to do with them!
